In 2024, we are making plans to purchase this home to rent to a refugee family

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 12.35.12 PM

Our first home will allow us to rent at a lowered cost to a refugee family and still put money away for our next home in 2025.

I am investing in the lives of multiple refugee families who will come in and out of this house with this one-time donation.

I would like to contribute each month! Please add note: "2024 House Purchase"


Subtotal $1.00

Total Investment $1.00

Monthly Investment starting at $1.00

Or you can use:

As a registered NGO, we are fully committed to stewarding our funds in a manner that is above reproach. We do not take your trust and generosity lightly and are extremely grateful.
IRS Non-Profit Number: 46-4420766